Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It took me weeks just to write this review, because right I have my own issues. But hell with that, today I’m going to do a review on Crysis. Yes, the 1st one on the Crysis series. Its been out for years now but the game is just one of the most stunning games I’ve ever seen. Oops, correction on that, we’ve ever seen. Solid detailed weapons, intelligent AI’s, and vast open level designs. On top of that, with the nano-suit powers, the game made an impact that this one is the most or more entertaining ballistic FPS in some time. (Because I still remember every bits in Crysis after 3, no, 4 years after its released date).

Thumbs up for Crytek, the developer of Crysis franchises, they figured out how to create an outstanding story that helped immerse us into a “realistic” and booming near-future. The game features every bit of details, from the characters voice acting, game cut scenes that is well designed, and the aliens that are trying to rip you to pieces are truly dangerous as Crytek use powerful smart AI system that never let you down on any action within the game. Crytek put us into one of the character POV to make us understand the reason, the pain, and the effort they pushed into this action packed game as it helps the game progress even better, forward into the next action. All of this made a gamer like me appreciate the effort Crytek put inside this huge FPS.

As we all know, Crysis takes place on a small(which is not true) island paradise which is lush with floras and surrounded by beautiful crystal blue ocean. The graphics are so far beyond any FPS I’ve seen, better than Crytek’s Far Cry in 2004. It’s not only that, the every bits of detail that Crytek showed on the models, architecture, and textures are way over years of planning (seriously way impressive than other FPS games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare). Whether it’s the ice frost on the gun or change in the color of the nano-suits when you chose different abilities, the details are there. I mean everywhere if you prefer that. When you look at all the surroundings, inside the jungle, the greenery of the island, while on a mountain top, staring up through the snow, wandering around inside the alien mothership, how can you plainly describe these impressive visuals if not in just “awe” at Crytek for their immense realistic technicality.

Holy shit!!

Crytek gave their art team the chance to expand their point of view on the horizons from the green tropical jungle to include the spectacularly tunnels of the alien mothership and an ice-blasted mountainside. The scene were powerfully breathtaking especially when we entered the alien ship. The alien colors reflect us with grayish background with immense green while bright white shines through the ship inner-core. As for the alien itself, the thin-skinned made first contact with us personally inside the ship was tremendously intense. The walls were covered with green crystals with heavy alien technology was pretty original from the fact that a lot of alien concepts we’ve seen. As the model character, the art team push aside the cartoonish act and insert some of the detailed ever expressions although it is rough to the taste, but only the word can’t describe the originality in the expression on the characters face. The textures are quite perfect. A truly understanding of a human I might add.
Oooh... Too Bright..
Well, that is the summary on the game, while looking forward to play this game; you should really consider what type of PC you would be playing this game with. Especially the visuals, as this game’s graphics are way out of the league if you used some low spec kind of PC. Crysis may very well kick your computer at Very High settings. Well, if you have some good PC to play with. Don’t be discourage, if you had PC with the same spec as mine, than you wouldn’t need any other PC. High settings on all of the graphic details give you everything you need from cool visuals to exploding bright colors. But you’ll probably got stuck in some level if you open something else instead of only the game, because Crysis need hell a lot of RAM space for its graphics rendering. Use 4GB RAM if you don’t want any problems. But if you really can’t afford something like that, Crysis also look fairly good in Medium settings. Nuff said! (look at the “cheapest gaming rig” if you don’t know about my PC’s spec)

Die you fucking alien!!!

Apart from the technicality, the gameplay in Crysis is not quite on par with the graphics, but it’s worth the while. Thanks to Crytek high tech nano-suit, it manages to make you like a serious badass with the four mods that the suit provides. Armor helps you to absorb some damage(like a shield in sci-fi games), that also helps regenerate health and power under heavy firefights. Speed will ensure you to go fast like a flash to places, either when flanking enemies or running away to safety. Strength helps you to reach higher places or beat the crap out of your enemies. Last but not least is the Stealth, which enables you to disguise yourself like being an invisible man for a short amount of time. The game suits you to your kind of play, like stealth is the most common so that the gameplay is based on low-profile action and less enemy encounter, but if you don’t want to play stealthy then, the gameplay will change its difficulty and its well-organized time-strategy system(which the AI use). So, it is the most balance system I’ve ever encounter so far, so, it’s not so surprising where Crytek can take us in another few years. I mean in Crysis 2. Because I’m so damn late in making this review as Crysis 2 is about to launch but hell, who cares?


Overall, Crysis is splendid FPS action-packed, with amazing high-end graphic. Another win for Crytek. Not that it counts but the world of gamers really appreciates the game like it was came from heaven or something. Haha.. Well, I can’t decide what and which right now, so, as the conclusion, the world of Crysis is freaking amazing and there is nothing like it.
I’m not gonna screw with this game anymore because I need to review on Crysis Warheads and Dead Space next. After that, I will test the most well-known games on the planet,  Dead Space 2, Dragonage 2 and Crysis 2. Can’t wait.

Presentation   :  9.0
 Graphics         : 10.0
Sound             :  9.0
Gameplay       :  8.5
Appeal            :  9.0

Overall Score  :  9.1

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